With a few steps, you can populate the products and optionally initial stock counts in Finale by exporting the data from your Square Dashboard and then importing them into Finale.
The steps are listed below:
1) Click on the "Items" link on the left panel of the Square Dashboard.
2) Click on Export Button and Select the "Export to Excel (Recommended)" option.
3) Open the downloaded output file in Excel or other spreadsheet and COPY columns 'E', 'F', and 'G'.
4) Within Finale, Click on the "Import & export" link located on the lower left of the application
and select the first link "Import to batch create & update products."
4) PASTE the data into the "Paste here" section as highlighted in the screenshot
5) After pasting, you will see the data copied into 3 columns. Additionally, the columns will have an "Unassigned" field as the Finale does not recognize the column headers ('Sku', 'Variation', and 'Price") as the those field name do not not exist in Finale. Those fields have a different field name in Finale.
5) To quickly map the Square field name to a Finale field name, we simply select the correct Finale field in the drop-down menu for each column.
- Square 'SKU' --> Finale 'Product ID'
- Square 'Variation Name' --> Finale 'Description'
- Square 'Price' --> Finale 'Item Price'
After the mapping is complete, Select "Next"
6) Select "Commit"
7) Select "Next" after the import is completed.
8) After the products have been successfully imported, and the product should be shown in the "View Products" section.
9) Now, you can optionally import the stock qtys provided from the Square Export.
COPY columns E, F, G, and H from the downloaded Excel file.
10) Go back to the Home screen of the interface. Click on the "Import & export" link located on the lower left of the application and select the first link "Import stock take."
11) Confirm the correct "sublocation" where the stock will be applied and select the "Next" button. The default sublocation location will be "Main".
Please note that additional sublocations can be created from Applications Settings >> Facilities section.
12) Paste in the data and map the Square field name to the correct Finale field names.
For this import, only the Product ID and QTY are needed. As a result,
- Square 'SKU' --> Finale 'Product ID'
- Square 'Variation Name' --> Leave it "Unassigned"
- Square 'Price' -->Leave it "Unassigned"
- Square 'Current Quantity' --> Finale 'Quantity'
After the mapping is complete, Select "Next"
13) Select 'Commit' to commit the changes.
14) To view the stock qty, select "Stock" from the "Inventory" link. You should now see the updated stock qtys.
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