Stock Transfers
Stock Transfers – From the web browser - A quick stock transfer moves a quantity of a single stock item to another magazine. A stock item is specified by selecting a product, a quantity which includes the packing, and a transfer from which includes both the origin magazine and a lot identifier (if lot identifiers are enabled for the company). The best way to select the stock item which you are transferring from is to first pick the product. Once the product is selected, the current stock items for the product are displayed immediately below the product selector. The stock items are blue links, and when click updated the remaining fields on the form to modify that stock item. When working with cases, it is important to specify the correct packing. Finale tracks each packing independently (so for example you can have cases of a particular product packed both 48/1 and 54/1 and keep track of how many of each are on hand). The easiest way to specify the correct packing is to always select existing stock items by clicking the blue link below the product selector. Although it possible to transfer manually enter the packing, magazine, and lot identifier, it is not recommended.
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