Stock Takes
Stock Takes – From the web browser - A stock take represents an actual physical count of items on hand at a particular magazine. For each stock item, the user can enter the count of that item in the magazine. The system calculates the variance, if any, from the count that is calculated based on previous transactions affecting that stock item. When the stock take is committed, the system records the variance and applies that as a transaction against the stock item effective the date of the stock take. Count of zero vs. unspecified count Recording a count of zero for a stock item has a different effect than leaving the count unspecified (blank) for a stock item. If the count is specified as zero, then when the stock take is committed a variance will be entered to reduce the count on hand to zero. If the count is unspecified, then no variance will be applied for that stock item when the stock take is committed. Comparison to batch stock change, the important difference between a stock take and a batch stock change is that a stock take records the actual count on hand while the batch stock change only records the variance. A stock take keeps a record of the actual physical count even if there is no change from the count calculated based on previous transactions. A batch stock change only keeps a record of which stock items have changed.
A stock take has a similar user interface to a batch stock change, and when committed both result in a transaction being applied to increase or decrease the count of a stock item. The stock take has the user enter the current count of the stock item, while the batch stock change has the user enter the difference whether positive or negative.
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