If you offer different prices for your various customers segments, you can easily create pricing formulas for each of the price levels. Pricing formulas can simplify managing pricing levels by setting a fixed markup for all products (saving the need to manually enter a price for each product) and support sophisticated rules (such as using different markups for various combinations of product characteristics and quantity ordered). Create pricing formulas leveraging the steps below:
Creating The Pricing Formula
1) Go to Application Setting > Products and scroll about halfway down to the “Selling prices” Section. Create the name of the first price tier. In this example, we will create a price tier for “VIP Customer” (highlighted in red).
2. Click on the blue “add formula” link.
3. The price formula can be complex and sophisticated, but for this example, we want to give our VIP customers a price discount of 20% on everything we sell. As a result, the formula would be (Base Price * .80). You first select the variable(s) (e.g. Base Price) into the formula and then complete the formula.
The handy preview window allows you to quickly check the prices of some of your products to ensure the formula is correct. For example, the item price of the 20 FT RIG is $1,000, and as a result, the VIP price is $800 or (.80 * $1,000).
Finale is capable of creating very sophisticated and powerful pricing formulas. Creating different pricing discounts based on order volume (e.g. ordering more than a case) is a snap with the pricing formulas. More information on the pricing formulas can be found here. Syntax on the formulas can be found here.
Please contact us at service@finaleinventory.com if you need any assistance with the pricing formulas. We’re happy to help.
4. Complete Steps 1-3 to create additional price levels.
You can see an example in this tutorial video.
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