If you have a number of products with bills of materials, it may be quicker to bulk import them from Excel into Finale. On your home page, choose the link "Imports & Exports" in the header menu "import" drop down. If you're in the products view, you can either use the header menu, OR the import button to import BOM.
There, you can copy/paste the spreadsheet into Finale.
Format the spreadsheet as follows using column A-E, adding as many rows as you need:
- Product ID: This is the Product ID for the finished good/output product.
- Item Index (optional): This is the order you'd like the BOM shown within Finale
- Item Product ID: These are the Product IDs that go into the finished good
- Quantity: This is the quantity of the item product ID that goes into the finished good
- Notes (optional): These are notes that can be used to help identify the item Product IDs
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