The sales shipment origin represents the overall location where a specific shipment is shipped from. By default this is the same as the as the current value of the sales order origin, but it can be changed on a specific shipment. The sales shipment origin name and postal address is printed on documents and reports based on the sale shipment (such as the PDF generated from the Print manifest and Print bill of lading menu items on the actions menu on the sale shipments screen).
Each item within a sale shipment has a sub-location which represents the sub-location whose stock level will be updated when shipment is packed. A single product may have more than one item when stock is pulled from more than one sub-location or with more than one lot identifier. When creating a shipment for a sale order, Finale will always pick a sub-location that is a child of the sales shipment origin and that currently has stock for the product. The user can override the selected sub-location and pick stock from any sub-location, including a sub-location that is not a child of the sale shipment origin.
When a sale shipment is moved to the packed state, then the user specifies a sub-location where the packed shipment will be stored before being shipped. This sub-location is listed as the packed sub-location. Note that the packed sub-location does not represent where the stock was packed from but rather where the shipment is packed to.
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