Please refer to the API documentation section for the most up-to-date information
Example sales order:
{ "orderId":"10012",
{ "orderItemUrl":"/demo/api/order/10012/orderItem/00000001",
{ "orderItemUrl":"/demo/api/order/10012/orderItem/00000002",
"normalizedPackingString":"36 cs 36/1",
Fields for the order resource.
POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to
. This action also marks all shipments associated with the order as cancelled. Orders in the cancelled state can not be modified. -
POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to
. Orders in the completed state can not be modified. -
POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to
which corresponds to the status of editable in the user interface. -
POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to
. The order status must currently beORDER_CREATED
to change the status to locked. Orders in the completed state can not be modified. -
List of contact mechanisms as defined under resource patterns.
Timestamp object was created. Set automatically by the server. Read only.
Reference to destination location. Must not be a magazine. May be null which corresponds to the value "Multiple / unspecified" in the user interface. Applicable only to purchases.
List of references to invoices related to this order. To add a new invoice to the order, create the invoice using invoice collection service and add the returned URL to this array. Currently the user interface can only display a single invoice (the first one in the list) related to an order.
Timestamp object was last modified. Set automatically by the server. Read only.
The unique ID for the order. Can be set when the order is first created, and after that is read only. Limited to 20 ASCII characters.
Array representing the items in the order, each having one or more of the following fields:
- itemDescription String of up to 255 characters corresponding to the item note field in the user interface.
- productUrl Reference to the product for this item.
- normalizedPackingString Packing for the item (see patterns for description of this data type).
- quantity Floating point value.
- unitListPrice Floating point value for list price of product at time item was created. Applicable only to sales.
- unitPrice Floating point value for price of product used for this order.
- reservedDatetime Date item was reserved or null if not reserved. Read only. Applicable only to sales.
- reserveUrl POST to this URL with an empty body to reserve this item. Applicable only to sales.
- releaseUrl POST to this URL with an empty body to remove reservation for this item. Applicable only to sales.
The order of the items in the array is significant and represents the order they are displayed in the user interface. Order items with no productUrl and no quantity are not displayed and from the standpoint of the user interface no longer exist.
The sub-total for an order item is not part of the API, but is defined to the be quantity value multiplied by the unitPrice value.
The orderItemList fields is not returned when the entire collection of orders is requested. It is only available when requesting individual orders.
[ {productUrl:"/demo/api/product/123", quantity:4, itemDescription:"Send red boxes.", unitPrice: 4.2}, {productUrl:"/demo/api/product/123", quantity:7, unitListPrice:12.4, unitPrice: 6.2}, {productUrl:"/demo/api/product/KJKLA", quantity:9, normalizedPackingString:"12 cs 6/2"} ]
Array of relations between the order and party groups containing the customer for sales and supplier for purchases. Party groups represent people or organizations. Each value in the array an object with the keys roleTypeId and partyId. The roleTypeId must be
. The partyId must refer to an existing party group in the system.Note that this is an unusual part of the API because the reference between entities is sent by id instead of URL. In the future, it is likely this reference will be changed to a partyUrl and the partyId will be deprecated.
Currently the user interface only displays the first customer in the array for sales and the first supplier in the array for purchases.
orderRoleList: [ {roleTypeId:'CUSTOMER', partyId:'10002'} ]
Whether order is purchase or a sale. Must be the value
. -
The unique identifier for the order. Read only.
Reference to origin location. Must not be a magazine. May be null which corresponds to the value "Multiple / unspecified" in the user interface. Applicable only to sales.
Price level to use for this order. Must match productPriceTypeId from the productUserPriceTypeList in the customization service
List of references to quotes related to this order. To add a new quote to the order, create the quote using quote collection service and add the returned URL to this array. Currently the user interface can only display a single quote (the first one in the list) related to an order.
Customer/supplier reference number. Limited to 60 Unicode characters.
POST to this URL with an empty body to reserve all items on this order. This is equivalent to reserving each item individually using the item's reserveUrl, but is much faster and atomically reserves all items or fails. Applicable only to sales.
Settlement terms (e.g. COD or Net 15). Must match settlementTermId from the settlementTermList in the customization service
List of references to shipments related to this order. To add a new shipment to the order, create the shipment using shipment collection service and add the returned URL to this array.
One of the values
is a special status that can only be set when the order is first created, and indicates the order should not appear in the user interface. TheORDER_EMBRYONIC
status is used when quotes are first created before they have a corresponding visible order. -
Array of values for user defined fields on the Order. Each value in the array is an object with the keys attrName and attrValue. The attrName is the internal name of a user defined field as listed in the customization service. Other systems integrating with Finale can store information in the userFieldDataList. Other systems should prefix their attrName with the string "integration_" to avoid conflicting with keys created by Finale. The attrValue is the string representation of the value for this Order for the user defined field. Both are limited to 255 Unicode characters. To make tracking and syncing changes to other systems, the field attrValueLastUpdatedDate be set instead of the field attrValue. When attrValue is not set and attrValueLastUpdatedDate is set to true, then the server sets the value to same value as the lastUpdatedDate. This allows easy searching for entities that have been updated since the last time they were synced to an external system.
userFieldDataList:[ {attrName:'user_10000', attrValue:'7/2/2010'}, {attrName:'integration_10004', attrValue:'3/12/2011'} ]
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