First, you need to enable the per location reordering setting from the Application Settings >> Products Section.
Once you enable this, your product's detail page will now include location specific reorder points in the Reordering group.
- Reorder point: This is the minimum threshold that you want to keep in stock. If you set this to 10, and your stock level drops to 9, Finale will populate 1 to reorder.
- Reorder point max (optional): This is where you would tell Finale what quantity you want to reorder up to. If your standard reorder point is 10, your reorder point max is 20, and your stock level drops to 9, Finale will populate 11 to reorder. It will bring your stock level UP TO 20.
- Reorder in qty of (optional): This is where you would tell Finale reorder sizes. If your supplier only sells an item in multiples of 10, you would input 10 here. Using our previous example where Finale populates 11, Finale would recognize it has to be in multiples of 10 and would instead suggest 20 to order.
- Reorder calculation method (optional): This can be set for all products in your application settings. By default, it is set to reorder min/max. This default can be overridden at a product level using this drop down option. If your account is default at reorder min/max, you can select individual products to calculate reorder using Sales Velocity instead. How do I set reorder points based on Sales Velocity?
- This is the standard reorder point section. One thing to note when using the standard reorder point for accounts with multiple locations: Finale does not add all of the stock together to calculate what needs to be reordered. This is done at a per location basis. If your reorder point is 10, and Main has 100, but Store 2 and Store 3 have 0, Finale will calculate that you need to order 10 for Store 2 AND 10 for Store 3. How do I set standard reorder points for my products?
- This is your primary per location reorder section. All of your locations will be listed here. This is particularly helpful if you'd like to maintain a higher stock level at one location than another.
- This section operates no different than section 2, however, it is worth nothing that Amazon FBA customers can re-purpose the reorder function to help maintain stock levels at Amazon. Instead of generating a purchase order by reorder points, Amazon FBA customers would utilize our reorder report. The report can be customized to match the formatting required to create and bulk populate an Amazon replenishment order. It may also be useful to schedule a recurring email reorder report specific to an FBA location.
Once your reorder points are configured, you can quickly create a reorder purchase or you can configure Finale to Email Notifications that alert you when you need to reorder additional inventory.
Learn how Pat Bianchi, COO of a medium-sized multichannel retailing company, was able to shave his reorder process from hours to literally seconds using the reorder function.
Here is a general overview of Finale reordering.
Here is a helpful step by step walk through to configure Finale reordering.
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