After you have connected the marketplace / shopping cart to Finale, the next step to create the mapping between Finale product ID and the marketplace / shopping sku.
The video illustrates the entire process.
Finale has the ability to push stock levels for one product, all product, or something in between.
As a result, the mapping files communicates which skus Finale will be update to the marketplace.
You can also bulk import the mapping following the instructions below.
A) Create a 3-column product mapping file in Excel
Column 1: Product ID
Column 2: Product Lookup (which is the marketplace sku). If the sku and the Finale product id are same identified, then column 1 and column 2 will be the same.
Column 3: Stores to Add (which would be the connection name e.g ‘Amazon’)
The product lookup import template can be downloaded here.
B) Copy from Excel and paste data under
Import / Export >> Import to batch create & update product lookups
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