In many areas of Finale Inventory, you can send emails to your Customers, Suppliers, or from the Email integration. These emails normally have an attachment of the order, shipment, or report as a PDF, excel file, or CSV file.
See here on how to customize emails.
The name of the file is customizable. It is sometimes desirable to have the filename be computed or dynamically created with a date. Here are a few examples of formulas that can be used to create the filename for the attachment.
Email Attachment name formula examples:
Formula value: join(["Report", lookup("printDate")],"_")
The file name will be: Report_6/21/2023
NOTE: the slashes "/" in the date are not valid filename characters for most computers so you need to remove them. See the formula below.
Formula value: join(["Report", replace(lookup("printDate"),"/","-")],"_")
The filename will be: Report_6-21-2023
You can substitute any value for the "/".
Formula value: join(["Report", dateFormat(lookup("printDate"),"YYYYMMDD")],"_")
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