If you'd like to customize the default recipients, the subject line, the default body content, or the name of the attachment on an email, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go into your Application Settings and choose the Screens tab
Step 2: Choose the screen that contains the email action menu. For our example, we'll use the Purchase Order screen.
Step 3: Click edit email settings to bring up the pop-up configuration window
Step 4: Here you can adjust the default email recipients. You can add multiple recipients using commas or semicolons, as well using the combine function. In the "from" field, you can also change the return mailing address. By default, it is noreply@finaleinventory.com, but can be changed. Changing this, however spoofs the return address and most recipient inboxes will mark it as spam.
Step 5: Here you can change the subject name. The default name combines the report type (in this example, Purchase Order), and the order number.
Step 6: Here you can change the default body text.
Step 7: Here is how you can change the default name of the attachment. This example will have an attachment named "Purchase ##"
Other filename formulas examples:
Formula value: join(["Report", lookup("printDate")],"_")
The file name will be: Report_6/21/2023
NOTE: the slashes "/" in the date are not valid filename characters for most computers so you need to remove them. See the formula below.
Formula value: join(["Report", replace(lookup("printDate"),"/","-")],"_")
The filename will be: Report_6-21-2023
You can substitute any value for the "/".
Formula value: join(["Report", dateFormat(lookup("printDate"),"YYYYMMDD")],"_")
Step 8: (optional) you can choose an order to test it to make sure the values are populated correctly.
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