Version 12176, 2021_02_16
- Same as v12173 - required to bump version number to resolves new version available message when there is not one
Version 12173, 2021_02_16
- Added Order batches support under PICK
- Added support for alternate sales order id for better Shipstation v3 compatibility
- Improved "Delete all ops" erases gather/wave progress and other error transactions
Change some UI colors
Version 12166, 2020_04_30
- Fix convert-to-eaches stock take bug
Change some UI colors
Version 12165, 2019_11_06
- Added support for disabling individual sublocations for picking or receiving
Version 12164, 2019_09_05
- Fixed compatibility bug
- Improved picking performance
- Fixed pick w/sort by sublocation bug
Version 12159, 2018_11_18
- New 4-box UI for receiving
- Optional auto-fill RCV qty and sublocation
- Padlocks to control RCV workflow
- Blue-text UI for default values
Version 12149, 2018_04_18
- Improved OS compatibility
- Fixed minor packing/sublocation bug
- Filter out bad chars in barcodes
Version 12143, 2018_03_16
- Made login username case-insensitive.
Added main menu item '17. Test barcode' function, to help troubleshoot barcoding problems by telling you exactly what a scanned barcode represents and identifying all objects in the system that it matches or nearly matches (using case insensitive search).
- Fixed minor bug that prevented the yellow warning sign from showing when picking an item in a non-directed pick that does not match the case/each designation of the item in the pick list.
Version 12139, 2017_12_11
- Added 'click-to-pick' for all picking scenarios (click on input box to choose product and/or lot ID instead of scanning)
Improved pick-and-pack > picking > choose order UI by going directly to menu after multi-selection choice
- Click on title bar to rotate screen for wider view area (less clipping of long product IDs and lot IDs)
- Added header row with field descriptions to all stock details screens
Version 12136, 2017_09_29
- Fixed scan sublocation bug in transfer operations
- Improved Wifi sync speed
Version 12135, 2017_09_18
- Added "Scan packed orders" feature to Pick, Basic menu
- Added "Scan packed orders" feature to Pick, Pick and Pack, Packing menus
- Added Setting #55. PCK scan order verify: Visual/None
- Added Setting #56. PCK scan order lot IDs: Smart/Always
- Improved Wifi sync speed
Version 12123, 2017_07_19
- Fixed bug: Break apart case didn't use std packing in some circumstances
- Fixed bug: Bad sync on big files (network timeout, but error was not reported)
Version 12122, 2017_06_30
- Fixed bug: operations on scanner sometimes not cleared after sync
Version 12121, 2017_06_30
- Added "Sync break cases as" Committed/Editable option
Version 12120, 2017_06_29
- Moved "add" and "subtract" functions into "stock change" menu item (#4)
- Added "break apart cases" function, in the "stock change" submenu
- Added support to change sublocations from within a stock change operation by scanning the sublocation
- Added support to "Set cs packing qty" in stock change operations for doing stock changes with non-standard size cases
Version 12114, 2017_06_07
- Added Update software over Wifi connection
NOTE: Version BEFORE 12114 are very old and should be updated.
These older versions must be updated via the USB dock/cradle.
You must have a Windows PC with Windows Mobile Device Center and Google Chrome web browser to update.
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