Why does this happen?
When you see "Object not found" errors. Those are not good. That means that Finale at one point synced with that object(Order/Product/Customer/Supplier) and it is now gone in your QuickBooks. You edited the record or deleted the record in QuickBooks and now Finale cannot sync with it. Changing a customer name in QuickBooks would break the sync with it in Finale.
Finale Inventory syncs with QuickBooks and stores the record index of all transactions it has synced to in a Sync Cache in Finale Inventory. The QuickBooks record index is the key to the record that we linked to.
Whenever you edit records in QuickBooks, QuickBooks changes the Record Index of that record.
The next time you sync Finale Inventory with QuickBooks, we look at the record indexes we have stored and attempt to find them in your QuickBooks so we know which one to update. When that record index has been changed, Finale cannot find the original record that we sync with and we get a NOT FOUND error.
The only cure for this is to CLEAR the Finale Inventory QuickBooks Sync cache.
Clearing your QuickBooks sync cache in Finale Inventory should only be done as a last resort. Do not do this if you have not configured the Invoice and Purchase order Date filters on the Configure QuickBooks Integration screen. When you clear the Sync cache Finale Inventory will resync all records between FinaleInventory and your QuickBooks for the entire time. You do not want FInale pushing new updates to OLD Invoices and POs to your QuickBooks. It will not duplicate them, but it will disconnect payments to them. So before you clear the sync cached in Finale Inventory you must set Filter dates on the sync for Invoices and POs.
Go to the Action menu on the sync screen where the green button is for syncing.
Select Configure QuickBooks Integration.
Set a FILTER date for both your INVOICES and Purchase orders.
Make the date be as LATE as possible. Set the date closest today's date that will allow you to get your invoices that are missing. This will reduce the resync period and also minimize other invoice syncing.
Now that you have dates for your Invoice and Purchase orders, go to the Action menu again and choose Clear QuickBooks integration cache.
Now you can Sync with your QuickBooks again. It will take much longer now this first time after clearing the cache because Finale must discover all the record identifiers of all the entities(Products, Customers, Suppliers, POs and Invoices). This will fix the object not found error. Remember to prevent this, do not edit records that Finale has Sync'd into your QuickBooks in your QuickBooks. Make those changes/updates to the record in Finale Inventory and let Finale sync the update to your QuickBooks.
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