If you have multiple amazon marketplace integrations (US/CA/MX) and two or more are associated to a product ID with a single product lookup, you may have experienced stock updates that reflect the stock level of only one of your Amazon marketplaces. In order to have stock levels updated independently for each marketplace, you need to complete one of the following options.
- Within Amazon, create a new listing for effected items with a different SKU for Amazon CA and MX marketplace. As an example, some Amazon users will suffix their existing SKU’s with a CA to designate Amazon Canada. Then, within Finale, map the new listing SKU’s as a product lookup to the existing product ID, if the product is FBM please ensure to create a “store association” for the respective marketplace. This will allow the stock to be independent for each Amazon marketplace (US/CA/MX).
Example of the new product lookup mapping that needs to be completed once new listings are made on Amazon
- If your business requires you to have the same listing SKU's across all Amazon marketplaces (US/CA/MX) the only other solution is to create a separate Amazon CA or MX account and this would allow the stock updates to be independent.
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