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Finale Inventory
Application Settings
Application Settings
Configure all areas of your Finale Inventory account like screens, features & options.
Company Info Tab
How do I change a document's colors?
How do I Resize my Logo?
How do I set my account Time Zone?
Edit or add company information
How do I find the name of my account?
Users Tab
Configuring notifications in my Finale account
How to create a new user?
Can I set-up permission to hide visibility to users?
How do I set-up user permissions?
How do I disable a user?
I forgot my password or want to reset my password
Product Tab
I do not see the Build operation from the main screen
How do I create custom fields for products?
Facility Tab
How to Bulk Change Sublocation Names
Can I bulk import my sublocations?
How do I set up Locations and Sublocations?
Purchasing Tab
Under Construction
Selling Tab
How do you add or create custom fields on your Customer table?
How do you add or create custom fields for sales or purchase orders?
Accounting Tab
Account Groups
Account types
Under Construction
Screens Tab
Under Construction
Documents Tab
Under Construction
Billing Tab
Cancel Subscription
How do I update my credit card / ACH information or switch to ACH payments?